Curtiss-Wright’s Defense Solutions division, a trusted, proven supplier of rugged encrypted data storage systems, has expanded its family of network attached storage (NAS) devices with the introduction of the new HSR10, its first commercial off the shelf (COTS) 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) NAS solution. The HSR10 provides dual 10 GbE interfaces and two layers of encryption to protect up to 32 Terabytes (TB) of critical data-at-rest (DAR) on deployed air, sea, and ground platforms. Today’s modern deployed C5ISR platforms capture and process large amounts of sensor data for mission success. System integrators increasingly seek rugged network storage solutions with the high bandwidth and storage capacities needed to support these critical applications. The HSR10’s dual 10 GbE interfaces support up to 2.4 GB/s of data throughput to deliver the high performance needed to keep up with today’s ever-growing torrent of sensor information. The HSR10’s two layers of encryption are provided via a combination of software full disk encryption (SWFDE) and hardware full disk encryption (HWFDE). For system designers that require National Security Agency (NSA) Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) encryption, the HSR10 will be submitted for National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) and Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA) certification. That means, once approved, the HSR10 can be deployed for CSfC-based applications.